Manhattan Chapter

NKBA Anecdotal

372 days ago
Julie Schuster


By Jerry Owens, Chapter Rep – The theme, "Growth through Education," that the Manhattan Chapter has adopted for the year 2001 is an ambitious one. We have, indeed, taken the first step. Our first scheduled kitchen design class for beginners, taught by the National Kitchen & Bath Association certified educators, will take place in Manhattan in October.

We are guaranteeing NKBA "National" that at least thirty people will attend. This class is something that we can build upon. A day in October for the chapter to remember.

We need to grow. The chapter must have more members... Live bodies with ideas of what they want and are willing to put in the time to help. There are any number of ideas that we can work on, but first and foremost, we must fill the thirty to fifty openings in this class.

The last chapter meeting was one that, if you missed it, was a great learning opportunity. The presentation is a form of education. Planning is done so everyone can take something away with them. It is in our own best interest to attend, where we can, at our leisure, absorb the surroundings of new and different showrooms. I personally never go home without a new thought or idea, most of which eventually turn into money for my firm.

The future of this industry is the new people who are just starting. Our chapter is trying to get these newcomers involved. To encourage greater meeting attendance, member firms now only need to pay for one attendee, and any number may attend from the same firm. It is one of the ways we are trying to increase education. This policy should expose the junior members of our business to the future of our industry.

If the national board of directors adopts the proposed new by-laws in October, then a whole new form of membership will become a fact of life. There is a great chance that this will happen... Stay tuned...

2001 Officers
President: Colette Whitney, Whitney Interiors, Ltd.
VP Programs / Treasurer: Mark Rosenhaus, Rosenhaus Design Group
VP Membership: Ester Kloc, Fabrications
Chapter Representative: Jerry Owens, Owens Consulting
VP Communications: Stephen Wangel, Atlantic Design Center
VP Education: Ann Morris, Ann Morris Interiors
Secretary: Barbara Weiss, Dial A Brand
VP Special Projects: James Johnson, Whitney Interiors, Ltd.
Committee Member: Florence Perchuk, St. Charles Kitchens
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