Manhattan Chapter


565 days ago
Julie Schuster

In preparation for the Manhattan Chapter’s 25th year, we will share some anecdotal memories from the founding of our Chapter. One of the founding members, Mark Rosenhaus, the unofficial historian, will share the memorabilia he has archived. In the next 18 months, we’ll share some of those memories with you. We also invite you to send us a historical moment or story with a JPEG and 150 words that you experienced with our chapter yesteryear or even yesterday, for publication in a future Newsletter. 

This month we are featuring the December 14, 1999 “Officially Charted” document marking the historic day that the Chapter became the 48th official chapter of the National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA). Pictured above, it includes a list of the original founding Manhattan Chapter members. Signed by Cecilia Balazs, COF, and Jeff Burton, President of the NKBA.