Manhattan Chapter

Member Spolight: Diana Mosher

310 days ago

By Jamie Keel — Diana Mosher, principal of Diana Mosher Associates LLC, joined the NKBA Manhattan Chapter for its many networking and education opportunities. “I wanted to spend time around experienced kitchen and bath designers to learn more about how it’s all done, see new products, and build relationships with manufacturers so I can up-level the services I offer my clients.”

She currently serves on the Programs Committee as Co-Chair, and she is a member of the Auxiliary Council. “Volunteering is essential to the success of the Chapter, but volunteers also benefit immensely,” says Diana. “The more you put in, the more you get from your membership.” She is also active in the American Society of Interior Designers New York Metro Chapter, where she previously served on the Board as Communications Director.

Diana enjoys working on both commercial and residential projects in NYC and surrounding suburbs. She’s currently designing a workplace project across from Grand Central Station, and she’s always up for an apartment project.

“My interest in apartments actually began when I was a child. We moved many times when my father’s advertising career took us from New York to Frankfurt, Mexico City, and Caracas. I loved touring new construction and vintage apartments with my mother, who also happens to be a very good decorator. There would be a hotel stay, then a short-term furnished apartment typically while we waited for our furniture to be shipped, and then a larger apartment until it was time to move to a new city in another country and do it all over again,” says Diana.

In fact, these early experiences have shaped her design business and marketing niche as a New York City apartment designer—consulting in cities everywhere.

Diana resides in a co-op in the historic district of Jackson Heights, where she and her husband raised two sons. “We were excited to welcome our first grandchild last month on Leap Day! Luckily, my son’s apartment will accommodate their growing family. And so did ours. But I remember my friend was raising her baby in a one-bedroom apartment. Her experience inspired me to pitch and sell my very first interior design article to one of the baby magazines. It was called “No Nursery… No Problem.”

Diana worked full-time in print and digital publishing while earning her degree from the New York School of Interior Design. When she wasn’t at school, she interviewed architects, real estate developers, and interior designers about their projects, reported on trends, and attended trade shows like ICFF, KBIS, NeoCon, and the Milan Furniture Fair. She also launched a popular awards program showcasing the apartment industry’s best architecture and design.

Diana says, “Decisions about finishes, stylish plumbing fixtures, and appliances drive the success of commercial and residential design projects. My membership in NKBA Manhattan Chapter helps prepare me for that.”