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Manhattan Chapter

March Chapter Meeting

898 days ago
Matteo Calisesi

Hosted by Signature Kitchen Suite at new LG HQ
A chartered bus took us to our March chapter meeting sent by our Gold Sponsor–Signature Kitchen Suite (SKS) to its parent company's spectacular new LG Head Quarters in Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
The dazzling building stretched for several NYC blocks and is LG’s National HQ for America. Our generous host John Russo (with a special thanks to Max Schwartz), and his team gave us a grand tour of the new stunning SKS showroom.
Fit for all technicureans. From the latest technologically advanced appliances–induction cooktops, ovens, refrigeration, and space-worthy washer & dryers. To the Exploratorium, a technology funhouse of sorts, we all had a great deal of interactive A.I. fun from LG’s latest technology development. 
Oh, lest we forget an excellent dinner & Wine, and Sous Vide wands & book raffle prizes for many of our attendees. And yes, we even did some learning too with John Russo’s very informative Sous Vide history in his excellent CEU presentation.
To see more pictures, go to the Chapter Facebook page clicking here.
Photography by Jeff Siegel