Manhattan Chapter

Manhattan Chapter Helps Local Food Pantry Community Solidarity

1558 days ago
This September, Manhattan Chapter Council members voted to donate $1,000 to the New York–based organization Community Solidarity. These funds are available through our 2020 ECO grant, the chapter received from NKBA National.
Community Solidarity organizes weekly “ food shares” where fresh produce and vegetarian food items that are donated by stores such as Trader Joes are distributed to members of the community. These perishables would have otherwise ended up in landfills! It is estimated that in the U.S., roughly 40 percent of food gets wasted annually. In addition, local restaurants donate freshly prepared vegan meals. I have volunteered a few times in Brooklyn now and found it incredibly rewarding to be a part of this amazing group.
In light of the need for food caused by the COVID pandemic, we found that a donation to this organization was well justified and also fit the goals of our ECO mission.
If you would like to learn more about Community Solidarity take a look here.
—reported by Felicitas Oefelein, Secretary/Treasurer, Manhattan Chapter