Manhattan Chapter


1341 days ago
When life hands you lemons, make a lemon chiffon pie! By going virtual this year, KBIS 2021 offered the opportunity to attend for members who otherwise might not have been able to get out of town to Orlando in February.
Programming, educational opportunities, manufacturer booths, awards ceremonies, and the State of the Association and State of the Industry addresses were as robust as ever. Mercury was in retrograde during the show, however, and can be blamed for technical difficulties that disrupted some of the live presentations. Fortunately, KBIS Virtual 2021 Conference Sessions are now available on demand. Click here to see the complete offering.
While members missed the opportunity, as with so many occasions this year, to be together in person, they were treated to exclusive virtual events (and cocktail recipes!) during the show with chapter sponsors Häfele America Co.Monogram Appliances, and Control4 (see recap here).
For more KBIS 2021 photos, visit our Facebook page here.