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Manhattan Chapter

December 2023 - Chapter Meeting Recap

250 days ago
Julie Schuster


By Diana Mosher -- The NKBA Manhattan Chapter celebrated the season in style on December 6 at a special "True Blue" Holiday Party. True Residential hosted the festive gathering at their new showroom in the A&D Building. Chapter members dressed up in their holiday best and enjoyed an amazing evening of live music, delectable bites, fine wine, and True signature blue martinis. 

See the Photos Here

This was Silver Sponsor True Residential’s first holiday season at the A&D Building. The luxury refrigeration company opened the doors to its inaugural New York showroom in May 2023. The family-owned, American-made brand is known for its colorful refrigerators, and they created the perfect setting for our holiday selfies and group shots.


If you missed NKBA Manhattan Chapter’s True Blue holiday party, stop by for a tour of the new True Residential showroom at Suite 603 next time you’re at the A&D Building. In the meantime, sync your calendar with our upcoming 2024 Chapter Meetings. We’ll be kicking off the new year at the Miele Experience Center on January 25 for the passing of the gavel and swearing-in of the new officers of the 2024-2025 NKBA Manhattan Board. See you there!

If you are not already a member, join our Chapter to attend our informative, fun networking events held every month; visit our Newsletter to keep up on events.

Photo/Video by Jeff Siegal