Manhattan Chapter

Adapting to the New Now

1487 days ago

August 2020 -- by Felicitas Oefelein, Secretary/Treasurer

2020 has been the most life-altering year for most of us so far. The Covid 19 Pandemic has changed the world as we knew it in ways we could have never imagined, and as we move through August, all of us have had to adjust in so many ways. The only one getting ahead seems to be Mother Earth.
This year, just as in 2019, I had applied for an ECO grant from NKBA National, and I'm pleased to share, our NKBA Manhattan chapter was awarded $2,500 to Inspire our Communities through Environmental Leadership.
One of the initiatives we are proud to be funding this year is the first annual ECO AWARDS to honor our Chapter Sponsors. If you have not already voted for your favorite NKBA Manhattan Chapter Sponsor, please do so. Look for your email invite and cast your vote before September 30. Three winners will be announced towards the end of this year.
At our last online CEU course in July, we also gave away some fun ECO prizes. Keep your eyes open for further fun gifts down the road as Programs Chair Julie Schuster announces more exciting programming to come.
Last but not least, I'd like to invite you to tell us how you personally have adapted to the new NOW and have become more environmentally conscious. Have you changed your habits in a positive way that you would like to share with our community? In 50 to 100 words, please describe what you have done or are doing and why. Send the email, with ECO HABIT in the subject line, to The first 5 persons to email us will receive a $100 gift certificate for the amazing BEYOND SUSHI restaurant chain, and, yes, takeout is available.
So, send an email and let us know what you are up to. Personally, I have expanded my little backyard farm greatly, volunteered with the face-shield warriors (above), taken up rock painting, I walk a lot more to run errands, shop less (well, stores are closed, LOL), started baking my own bread, and am making more healthy meals at home (see one recipe, below), and truly enjoy my friendships more than ever.
With much love and gratitude,