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Maine Chapter


Electrical Codes Continued......


November 16, 2021 | 12:30 pm- 1:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Cost: $0 If Registered from Lobster Cup $10 For Members $15 For Non-Members

Virtual Meeting


Join NKBA Maine for an LUNCH AND LEARN ZOOM on updated electrical codes. 

Charlie DeAngelis from the Auburn Code Enforcement office will be sharing his expertise with our chapter. Charlie teaches the courses on code for electricians around the state. We are fortunate the city of Auburn, will give us his time. 

If you registered for the class as part of the Lobster cup, you are automatically registered for this event.     Once you have registered we will send out the zoom link the day prior to the event. 

Please be aware that we may need to move the date, as Charlie has eye surgery in October. This was his best guess for when he would be able to fulfill this for us.   EVERYTHING is fluid in programing right now and we appreciate your flexibility. 

FREE for people already registered through the Lobster Cup.

$10 for NKBA Members

$15 for Non-Members

Event Sponsors