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Georgia Chapter


March Chapter Meeting


March 19, 2020 | 5:30 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

CR Home Design Center
224 Rio Circle
Decatur, GA 30030

BIG Things are COMING to the NKBA Georgia Chapter March Meeting…

First, the NKBA-GA Chapter is proud to host DeAnna Radaj an Eco-Shui designer at CR Home Design Center.

In addition to our national speaker, Cambria will unveil its Revolutionary 2020 Designs in the CR Home Design Center showcasing the full slabs.

And last, but not least, for all those competitive people in our industry, you will have the opportunty to win the grand prize of the March Madness Cambria/CR Home bracket. Just stop by the registration desk to pick up your bracket to fill out and enter the contest.

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