California Capital Chapter


The 2023 Diamond Award Design Competition


September 29, 2023 | 11:59 pm

CEUs: There are no CEUs for this event

Cost: NKBA Members: $100.00 for the first project / $75.00 for each subsequent project. Non- NKBA Members: $150.00 for the first project / $100.00 for each subsequent project.



The California Capital Chapter's Design Competition is open for submissions!

Extended Deadline!
Entries are due September, 29 2023.


  • Updated Guidelines
  • Improved Judging Criteria
  • New this Year: Media Choice Award
  • Team Entries: This is a great opportunity to highlight your favorite contractor, supplier, architect, etc.
  • Entries are submitted online.
  • Certifications are not required to enter!

Download the Design Competition Entry Packet HERE:

How to enter:

  1. Click on the link in the entry packet.
  2. Create your profile.
  3. Make sure to add California Capital under Memberships & Affiliations to receive the member pricing.
  4. Register for the competition. You can submit one entry per category.
  5. Team entries are permitted (one entry from multiple firms). Make sure to add and select the correct Team entry fee.

Why should you submit a team entry?

It’s teamwork that makes a project successful and each project includes many different partners to bring a designer's vision to life.

This is a great way to include and highlight your favorite contractor, architect, or other industry partners. Do you frequently collaborate with a specific plumbing supplier, tile vendor, or lighting specialist? Encourage them to enter a team entry.

We would love to highlight and celebrate the ENTIRE team!

How does it work?

The designer of the project submits the project including all related design plans and photographs.

  • You can add as many team members as you like.
  • There is a separate entry fee for each team member.
  • In case of a placement, each team member will receive their own award with their name on it.
  • Open to NKBA members and non-members.
  • Winning entries will be highlighted on the NKBA CA Capital chapter’s website, social media, and directory.
  • In the event of a non-member placement, a minimum quarter-page ad in the NKBA CCC Industry Directory is required.

Who is considered a team member?

  • Architects
  • Tile Suppliers
  • Plumbing Showrooms
  • Cabinetry Experts
  • Contractors
  • Lighting Specialists
  • Vendors
  • etc.

Key Takeaways from our Lunch & Learn

Design Statement: 

List the Objectives, Challenges and Solutions in bullet points or brief paragraphs that are clear and concise. This is only for the judges - not a magazine article so no need for a background story on the clients unless it is something relevant that needs to be address in the design (i.e.: wife if 5' tall and husband is 6'5" or family member is special needs, etc.).

  • Make sure the drawings are clean and easy on the eyes.
  • Try to save all plans and elevations as one pdf.
  • Only show necessary dimensions and clean up or remove all irrelevant info.
  • Make sure the Center Lines are all on the same dimension line.
  • Show cabinet dimensions on elevations.
  • Add cabinet details, such as special inserts on elevations.
  • Legend is easier to read if spaced appropriately and not in a grid format.
  • Make sure the drawings match the photographs and if not, note it in the design statement.
  • If using 2020 make sure to hide the placement zone - it is irrelevant and can be confusing to the judges.
Photography: Professional photography is always better than designer snapshots. Make sure any glaring mistakes do not show in the photography (i.e.: bad fabrication or construction mistakes).
Team Entries: This is a great way to include and highlight your favorite contractor, architect, or other industry partners. Do you frequently collaborate with a specific plumbing supplier, tile vendor, or lighting specialist? Encourage them to enter a team entry.

Good luck to everyone!

Thank you to our Gold Sponsor!

Event Sponsors