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Arizona Chapter


CEU Saturday at Miele


June 04, 2022 | 8:30 am- 2:30 pm

CEUs: Yes

Cost: Members $20; Students $10; Non-Members $25

Miele Experience Center
7550 E Greenway Road
Suite 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

The NKBA requires that all certified members earn 2.0 CEUs (or 20 hours of education) every two years. Each two year cycle runs from July 1 to June 30. Certified members who do not meet the CEU requirements at the end of the cycle, will lose their NKBA Certification. Industry professionals and consumers are better protected in a more educated marketplace. By ensuring that all certified members maintain an adequate level of knowledge, the NKBA will assist in building consumer confidence and trust in the industry.

The current 2-year cycle ends June 30, 2022. Join us for this special event to earn several credits in one day while networking with your industry members! Four CEU presentations will be offered. Lunch will be provided by Miele.

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