By Manuel Gutierrez, Consulting Economist to NKBA


The number of women employed in construction trades has ballooned 9.6 percent since February 2020, a stark contrast to the 1.4 percent growth in the segment’s overall employment growth. 

  • Women now represent 12.7 percent of construction trade workers, far behind their 50 percent share of total employed adults.
  •  Plumbing & HVAC, at 174,000, represent the highest number of female workers in construction trades.
  •  The areas with the highest female share in construction trades include Flooring, Tile & Terrazzo Installation and Finish Carpentry, where approximately one in five workers are women for each.
  •  Women in Building Equipment, which includes Electrical, Plumbing & HVAC, added 2,200 jobs in July, the highest monthly gain in female employment.
  •  Total number of those employed in construction trades hovers below the 4.93 million high of August 2006.