Play a bigger role in your NKBA Chapter! By Dianne M. Pogoda


One of the biggest benefits of membership in the NKBA is the sense of community — and it’s safe to say that being connected to a community has taken on enormous significance in the current environment.

While 2020 has certainly been an unusual year, it’s already time to consider chapter officer positions for 2021 — and NKBA wants you! It’s a great way to give back to the industry as you build awareness for your business and brand in your community, impact the direction of your chapter, the association — and even the entire industry. Officers gain peer and industry recognition and enjoy the perks associated with being an officer, including a VIP package to attend KBIS, and avail themselves of valuable leadership training that’s applicable in all walks of life.

For 2021, the positions of Membership Chair and Secretary/Treasurer are open.

All candidates must self-nominate to be sure there’s interest in the role — no surprises! Positions run for a single two-year term, with the option to self-nominate again for another two-year term. Once an officer has served for four years, he or she must be off the council for at least two years.

All officers must be NKBA members. Only one officer can come from the same company or family. All regular members in good standing are eligible to vote; Student members are not eligible to vote nor to hold an officer position.

Self-nominations are open through July 17. Click here for details or click here to submit your self-nomination form.

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